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Best CBD Hemp Flower

About Us

Growing Industrial Hemp since 2017, we are one of the first Hemp wholesalers in the Rouge Valley of Southern Oregon. We promise quality consistently through our love and care for every bud from farm to table. Involved from seed to sale, we are able to provide affordable hemp products at the highest quality incomparable to any other.

Being located in Southern Oregon, we are privileged to work with the finest elements, from rich microbes and nutrients in our soil, to clean conservative water management from snow and springs, to mountain fresh air through each season. 

We strive to build connection in the community as the heart of our operation. Spreading awareness and education of the benefits our handcrafted CBD, CBG, and Delta-8 provides, from our community to the nation and beyond. With hemp, we are able to provide all of the medicinal benefits similar to cannabis without all the psychoactive properties. Giving users more control over dosing as opposed to the climbing percentages of THC in average cannabis strains. Providing an alternative herbal relief for people and pets alike to heal is what keeps us going every day. Our clients constantly praise the wonders hemp works on them and their loved ones.

Hemp is fresh in it’s reacceptance to society, so we believe in sharing it’s long standing and globally positive impact. As of December 2018, Hemp has been federally legally available for everyone to enjoy the benefits of cannabis sativa without prosecution. Hemp provides an ecological solution to a multitude of global issues. From being an alternative textile to body care inside and out.

We are able to provide this potent medicine consistently through ecologically friendly methods during our production, processing, and packaging in effort to replenish and minimize our Impact to nature. 

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